
Uneducated, but can google at least.

Do something, except parent

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It often strikes me as a little strange that as a people, we seem to get our stuff a little skew sometimes. As a fully functioning, taxed to the eyeball society, we often demand things of our government. We ask that the intelligent of our society do something which needs to be done. Governments set up committees, forums and think tanks in order to solve problems. You know, full-blown important things which the rest of society cannot wrap their heads around.

Like, preventing people from getting crushed by enormous, loud, heavy, hard vehicles used for transporting people (from a story earlier this year). You see, people are totally incapable of comprehending that ‘dem big fings called “trams” just might hurt a little if you walk out in front of them.

On the flip side of the coin, when someone has conducted research into things that are simple, then we want them to nick right off. These are the kind of things that regular, normal human beings just nonchalantly shrug off because the task is just so simple.

Like raising a child.

Well, according to the comments in today’s story regarding how an academic recommends that parents be charged after spanking their child, raising a sprog is a simple case of snotting them a few times. The comments in this story all pretty much read the same.



I’ve outlined before that I’m not a parent, so I’m definitely not qualified to comment on this story. My point is that the great masses out there seem to be so desperate to have our Government protect us because we can’t use our brains, but the moment that someone might suggest that we proactively use our brains, scorn is heaped onto the offending sanctimonious prat.

Even this week we’ve had a couple cases of kids hopping into the Skill Tester machines in an effort to feast upon the goodness inside. Whilst I am insanely jealous that they can fit in there, I am still bemused by the parent’s remark.

“The company that makes these machines needs to look at their design.

“As we found out if you try and pull the kids out the slot, the door comes down cutting into their body.”

Yeah, those machines should be easier to get out of should you have the inclination to climb in there and steal stuff.


“… there wasn’t a sign to stop me… but fuck those signs, what do they know?”

*image courtesy of AdelaideNow

Written by Andy

December 11, 2008 at 7:45 pm

Posted in reguland

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